What if Every Girl Recognized Her True Value and Unlimited Potential?

Positive Image Network
A 501(c)(3) with the mission to provide resources and information that support parents, caregivers, teachers, mentors, etc, in nurturing the personal development of girls and young women in helping them to:
- Build leadership skills
- Develop and maintain confidence and healthy self-esteem
- Cultivate and grow a positive image of self
- Discover individual gifts and talents
- and much more!

Featured Resource: Photography with Purpose
Bringing personal transformation through visual media

Challenges Facing Girls Today
There are many challenges facing girls and young women today. For example:
25% of girls have symptoms of depression;
7 out of 10 girls suffer from low self-esteem;
Girls are three times more likely than boys to experience cyber-bullying.
Our goal is to provide a place where caregivers and girls can find resources that provide solutions geared towards the young female.
The Positive Image Network offers community-based educational workshops –with online workshops coming Summer 2020!
Additionally, we're building an online resource directory of service providers.

Real Talk
Featured on the Positive Image Network YouTube channel: The Importance of Positive Self-Talk

Tasty Bites with Coach Letha
Now playing on the Positive Image Network YouTube Channel: Coach Letha of Wellness Warriors shows how to make a quick and healthy recovery drink
Encourage. Empower. Inspire

Visit our YouTube channel for our ever-growing, educational and inspirational, personal development content for girls and young women

Are you a resource provider?
We're in the process of building our resource list!
Do you provide a product or service that fits within our mission?
Would you like to be listed in our resource directory?
Contact us and let's see how we can work together to promote the well-being and empowerment of girls and young women!